
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34 NIV

Monday, May 20, 2013

Different Than Them

It's hard to be different.

Doing what everyone else is doing seems like a good idea at times. Then, I wouldn't draw attention to myself. Then, I could blend in with the crowd. Then, I wouldn't worry about what others thought about me. I'd be just like them.

Then, it hit me. One little explanation in a book of a word I'm so familiar with. Apparently, I have not stopped to gaze directly at the meaning of this word.


For I am the Lord your God; 
sanctify yourselves therefore, 
and be holy, for I am holy. 
(Leviticus 11:44 NRSV)

It means set apart for the work of God.

Set apart. Different than others. Separated from the crowd. This is how I am told to live. Yet, I worry about being the very thing I am instructed to be. Why?

Because being different takes courage that I sometimes lack. Standing up when others sit draws attention to myself. Living without caring what others think is not normal, but it is a step down the path of peace.

Lord, you tell me to be holy. It seems like such a lofty goal. Help me not to worry about being the way you want me to be: different, set apart for you. Give me courage to keep my eyes on you instead of on them. Amen.

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