
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34 NIV

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Always Available to Help

I was trying to take a shower. My children were pounding on the door for assistance with one thing or another. I was obviously busy and tried to redirect them while rubbing soap out of my eyes. Not to be deterred, they kept knocking and yelling.

Here's the funny thing - my husband was in the next room. I insisted (in a very loud voice) that they ask their dad to help them with whatever pressing matter they had. What could I possibly do for them at the moment?

Finding the situation both annoying and humorous, I got to thinking: this is how I treat my pressing matters sometimes. I go to my family and friends for help, frustrated that they cannot fix things, when my Heavenly Father is nearby and always available.

I ask others for opinions when I should be turning to God first. His is the only opinion that truly matters. He is never too busy to provide counsel and direction.

As for me, I call to God, and the LORD saves me. (Psalm 55:16 NIV)

Lord, I want to knock on your door for help first. You are always available no matter how large or small my concern. Give me the courage to release the hold that opinions of others has had on me. Amen.

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