
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34 NIV

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Is Jesus Still an Infant?

     My two year old daughter sat on the kitchen floor holding a Christmas book, examining each page carefully before moving on to the next.  When I asked her what she was looking for, she replied, "Finding Baby Jesus!"  Squeals of delight upon spotting the tiny infant in the manger erupted, followed by a toddler's rendition of "Jesus Loves Me."

     Yes, Jesus loves me!  Yes, Jesus loves you!

     I marveled at the simple joy in her heart and was brought to tears thinking about how the Lord is preparing her little soul for one day accepting him fully as her Savior.  My prayer is that she delights in Jesus more and more as she learns about who he was as a baby and who he is as an adult.

     Jesus was a baby boy.  He was perfectly sinless, completely God and completely man. At this time of year, my focus is certainly on the infant and how he came to dwell among mankind. It is easy to accept this Jesus.  It is easy to love and adore this baby.  But can I surrender to this Jesus, or teach my daughter to trust him one day?

     If Jesus never grows up in her mind, how will he be able to hold the problems of her world in his hands?  If Jesus is still spitting up milk, how can she trust him to speak truth from his lips?  If the miracle of his birth is not one day paired with his sacrificial death, he remains in the manger, hundreds of years removed from her day to day life. 

     "And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man." (Luke 2:52 NIV)

     I look forward to revealing more and more of Jesus' life to my little girl. I long for her to experience his peace and presence as I have so dearly.  I want her to be in awe of the infant and be awed by the love Jesus has for her.

     Jesus, thank you for submitting yourself to the rules of nature so that I might identify with you more fully. You are love itself, wrapped in a blanket and wrapped in all the power of Heaven. Please give me wisdom as I teach my little ones about your birth, life, and death.  May they one day realize that you are the only perfect gift to the world.  Amen


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