The other day I chose to wear my glasses rather than my contacts. During the afternoon I went to get a haircut, placing my glasses on the counter while the lady combed and snipped. It surprised me how little detail of myself I could see in the mirror without them on. What I could observe was blurry and nondescript. To see clearly, I had to adjust my focus by looking through my lenses once again.
Later, while sitting at a park, I thought about my focus in life. Most of the time it seems to be a bit blurry. It jumps from my children to myself to marriage to friends to... not what it should be. I need to put on what my friend calls my "God Goggles". Through them I am better able to view God's hand in each area of my life. Without them on, most of life seems shapeless, hazy.
When I try to see people and events in my life through the eyes of God I am humbled. Opportunities to love and be loved are all around me, I just do not usually take the time to focus on them. The frustrating situations I encounter with my children are shaping both of our characters. The inconsiderate coworker is really a lost soul in need of some wise counsel. The half hour drive alone in the car is an excellent opportunity to ask my Savior for help to get through the week.
Perhaps I should wear my glasses more often to remind myself how blurry life can be without the right focus. One problem - my daughter tried to wear them and bent one side a bit too far. (Note above mentioned frustrating situations with children ). I am thinking God has a good sense of humor.
"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13
All Seeing Lord, I want to see you more often in my day to day life. I want to have the right focus - your will and not mine. Thank you for opening up my eyes and taking away the blur. Amen.
I love it. At encounter today we listened to a video from Rob Bell talking about Breath. How most american's don't breathe correctly and therefore only have 10% of the energy they could have. He talked about how God's name in the Old Testament is YHVW and how those are really just breath sounds. He begged the question are we all just walking around unaware of the Holy Spirit inside us. I know I can tell a difference when I have tapped into the Spirit and have been conscious of breathing the breath of God and when I am just breathing on my own.