Why? Why? Why?
Why do some people have to suffer so much?
Why do my prayers seem to go unanswered?
Why is it so hard to see the big picture?
Why is it difficult to trust that his hand of love is on every situation?
And why do I only question WHY when I do not agree with what is happening?
I do not question why God allowed me to be born in America. I do not ask why he gave me a loving husband and three healthy children. I never ask why I am privileged to openly study and write about him. It doesn't even occur to me to do so because it seems right that those things are as they are.
What I perceive as a positive situation only happens because he allowed it to. What I perceive as a negative situation only happens because he allowed it to, and it will one day fit into some ultimate good he is working toward in my life and the lives of others.
I am not expected to understand. My part in all this is to trust and to praise him for what he is doing, especially when I feel clueless. Do I have the courage to respond like Job?
Then {Job} fell to the ground in worship and said, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised." (Job 1:20-21 NIV)
So, the alternative to a string of WHY's is PRAISE. Worshiping who God is always takes my eyes off of my problems and puts them on the ultimate solution: Jesus. One simple way I like to praise him is to use each letter of the alphabet as a start for a trait of his that I adore. Long before I reach Z, I am overwhelmed by his love and peace.
A - Ageless
B - Before and Behind
C - Constant
D - Dependable
E -
And so on and so on. What a way to answer the question I was not even asking - who are you, rather than why are you. Perhaps if I ask Who more often, the Why will seem less important.
Ageless, constant, dependable one who goes before me and behind me, forgive me for doubting you have a purpose for all you do. Thank you for the blessings you have allowed in my life. Help me to focus on you and what I know to be true rather than on what I perceive to be unfair and unjust. Amen.
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