I like to be comfortable. It's selfish, I know, but the truth nonetheless. God has blessed me with a warm home, cozy bed, clothes for each season, and enough food to keep me full. I do not always have what I want, but what I need is supplied one way or another.
I am convinced that at the root of most worry is the fear of being uncomfortable, of something changing. People worry about things because of how they affect them or their loved ones personally.
Financial worries = Fear of not being able to afford all the comforts we are
used to
Health worries = Fear of being physically uncomfortable, or of not being able
to do the things that brought us comfort in the past
Relationship worries = Fear of uncomfortable social situations, or of not having the
comfort of someone to go through life with
Future worries = Fear of unknown, change, and how it will affect our comfort
Death worries = Fear of where someone will spend eternity, or how our lives
will change because of it
My list is certainly not exhaustive, but the theme holds true in most situations. What does Jesus say about our wants and needs? Philippians 4:19 in The Message says, "You can be sure that God will take care of everything you need, his generosity exceeding even yours in the glory that pours from Jesus". God knows what we need. He also knows that sometimes we do not need the comforts that we are used to or that we would like to have.
Think about it. God has not promised us that we will be comfortable. In fact, John 16:33 NIV says, "In this world you will have trouble". He promised to meet our needs. These are two very different concepts, but I believe many people often lump them together and end up disappointed with God.
I choose to not worry about my needs. God will supply them. I choose to thank God for all the blessings around me that make me comfortable, knowing they may not last. When these comforts are taken away, I choose to focus on the one who meets all my needs.
Giver of every perfect gift, thank you for the comforts I enjoy. Keep my focus on you as they come and go in my life. Help me to trust that you know what is best for me, what I really need. Amen.
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